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Pridružen/-a: 24.06. 2006, 12:56 Prispevkov: 658 Kraj: Domžale
Objavljeno: 27 Dec 2006 21:17 Naslov sporočila: Vitamin D in ščitnična obolenja (ang) |
Vitamin D Deficiency and Thyroid Disease
Theodore C. Friedman, M.D., Ph.D.
Vitamin D deficiency and thyroid diseases
Vitamin D is an important vitamin that not only regulates calcium, but also has many other
beneficial actions. Not many endocrinologists realize this, but several articles published
over 20 years ago showed that patients with hypothyroidism have low levels of vitamin D. [color=red](ščit bolniki imajo nizko vrednost vit D)
This may lead to some of the bone problems related to hypothyroidism. (posledica so lahko tezave z okostjem)
It was thought that
one of two mechanisms may explain the low levels of vitamin D in patients with
hypothyroidism, 1) the low levels of vitamin D may be due to poor absorption of vitamin D
from the intestine or 2) the body may not activate vitamin D properly. Other articles have
demonstrated that patients with Graves disease also have low levels of Vitamin D.
Importantly, both vitamin D and thyroid hormone bind to similar receptors called steroid
hormone receptors. A different gene in the Vitamin D receptor was shown to predispose
people to autoimmune thyroid disease including Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis. For these reasons, it is important for patients with thyroid problems to
understand how the vitamin D system works.
Sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is really two different compounds, cholecalciferol (vitamin D2), found mainly in
plants and ergocalciferol (vitamin D3), found mainly in animals. Both of these hormones
are collectively referred to as vitamin D, and they can either be obtained in two ways. One
is by exposure of the skin to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of sunlight or also from dietary intake.
Vitamin D is found naturally in fish (such as salmon and sardines) and fish oils, eggs and
cod liver oil. However most Vitamin D is obtained from foods fortified with Vitamin D,
especially milk and orange juice. Interestingly, as breast feeding has become more popular,
the incidence of Vitamin D deficiency has increased as less fortified milk is consumed.
Vitamin D deficiency may also occur in patients with malabsorption from their intestine,
such as in the autoimmune disease called Celiac Disease, which occurs frequently in
patients with thyroid problems. Multivitamins also contain Vitamin D, as does some
calcium supplements like Oscal-D and Citracal plus D..
Different Forms of Vitamin D and How To Diagnose Vitamin D
Vitamin D itself is inactive and needs to get converted to the liver to 25-hydroxy vitamin D
(25-OH vitamin D) and then in the kidney to 1, 25-hydroxy vitamin D. It is only the 1, 25-
OH vitamin D which is biologically active. This form of vitamin D acts to allow for
absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract. Therefore, patients with low vitamin D
levels will have low calcium and in severe cases get rickets (in children) or osteomalacia (in
adults) which is when the bone bows out and is poorly formed. In mild cases of vitamin D
deficiency, osteoporosis occurs.
The conversion from the 25-OH vitamin D to the 1, 25-OH vitamin D that occurs in the
kidney is catalyzed by parathyroid hormone, also called PTH. Therefore, patients with low
vitamin D levels will have relatively high PTH levels along with low calcium levels. This is
similar to patients with primary hypothyroidism having elevated TSH levels while having
normal thyroid hormone levels. Additionally, the 25-OH vitamin D form which is the
storage form and is much more abundant that the 1, 25-OH vitamin D form which, although
is active, is less abundant. Therefore, in states of vitamin D deficiency, low levels of 25-OH
vitamin D are found, but the 1, 25-OH vitamin D levels are either normal or actually slightly
high. They are slightly high because the excess PTH that is stimulated by the low 25-OH
vitamin D levels stimulates the conversion up to 25-OH vitamin D to the 1, 25-OH vitamin
D. Thus, patients that are vitamin D deficient usually have a low 25-OH vitamin D level, a
high PTH level, a low normal calcium, and a normal or an elevated 1, 25-OH vitamin D
Dr. Friedman usually recommends measuring PTH, calcium, and 25-OH vitamin D to
determine if a patient does have vitamin D deficiency. The 25-OH vitamin D assay has a
normal range of approximately 20-60 ng/dL. However, this range may be too low for many
patients. Additionally, the assay may not be that good at measuring the low levels of
vitamin D. In general, Dr. Friedman would recommend treatment of patients that have a 25-
OH vitamin D of less than 30 ng/dL, but these patients should have a PTH in the high
normal range. Optimal levels of 25-OH Vitamin D for patients with thyroid diseases are
probably 35-60 ng/dL It is unclear what to do with a patient with a PTH in the high normal
range and a completely normal 25-OH vitamin D level or the other way around for for patients
with a low 25-OH vitamin D level but a completely normal PTH level.
Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency
There are several ways to correct for the depletion of vitamin D, and these would involve
either increasing sunlight exposure or increasing dietary intake. In general, Dr. Friedman
feels there is an ongoing battle between endocrinologists and dermatologists about sunlight
exposure, and mild sunlight exposure probably does not have that much of an increased risk
of skin cancer yet would be helpful to prevent vitamin D deficiency. Because of our busy
schedule, many of us do not go outside during the day much and our sunlight exposure is
minimal. Blacks and other dark skinned patients absorb less Vitamin D and need more
sunlight exposure. Dr. Friedman recommends a patient to be exposed to the sun for 15-30
minutes a day, especially in the morning, to correct for vitamin D deficiency. However, in
northern latitudes, little light of the proper wavelength goes through the atmosphere in the
winter, so this exposure needs to occur in the spring and summer at which time stores of
vitamin D are built up. The body has mechanisms so that too much vitamin D can not be
synthesized by prolonged sun exposure. An alternative is to go to a tanning salon for
approximately three times. Another alternative for replacing mild vitamin D deficiency is to
take two multivitamins a day. Each multivitamin contains 400 international units of vitamin
D so a total of 800 international units of vitamin D will correct mild cases of low vitamin D
levels. For more severe levels, the patient can take 50,000 international units of vitamin D
orally once or twice a week. This needs to be given by a prescription. If this treatment
regimen is used, the patient needs to be monitored carefully with calcium and 25-OH
vitamin D levels to make sure the patient is not over replaced with vitamin D. The patient
may need this level of treatment for approximately three months and should be checked
monthly. The main side effect of vitamin D therapy is overtreatment leading to
Patients with kidney problems cannot convert vitamin D to the active 1, 25-OH vitamin D
levels and need to take calcitriol which is 1, 25-OH vitamin D. Additionally, patients with
hypoparathyroidism are usually placed on the calcitriol as well.
Vitamin D appears to have many effects besides being related to calcium and bone health.
Some patients with low vitamin D levels have fatigue and bone pain, which is easily
reversible with proper replacement of vitamin D. Vitamin D may protect against heart
disease and some types of cancer. Vitamin D may also have some role in regulating the
immune system and also reducing blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. Proper
vitamin D levels are needed to prevent osteoporosis. In conclusion, proper vitamin D levels
are essential for one’s health, especially if you have thyroid problems. Unless a patient is
exposed to sunlight or foods containing vitamin D, screening for Vitamin D deficiency is
recommended for all thyroid patients.
This article is not intended to offer medical advice and is offered for information purposes
only. Do not act or rely upon information from this article without seeking professional
medical advice. For more information about Dr. Friedman or to schedule an appointment,
please go to goodhormonehealth.com[/color]
Nazadnje urejal/a Pikapolonica 01 Jan 2007 13:20; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
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Pridružen/-a: 24.06. 2006, 12:56 Prispevkov: 658 Kraj: Domžale
Objavljeno: 01 Jan 2007 13:12 Naslov sporočila: |
vit D ima poleg povezave s kalcijem in zdravjem okostja se mnoge druge učinke na telo.
Nekateri bolniki s pomanjkanjem kalcija čutijo utrujenost in bolečine v kosteh, kar se da odpraviti z ustreznim nadomeščanjem vit. D. Vit D ščiti pred boleznimi srca in določenimi tipi raka. Ima določeno vlogo v imunskem sistemu in znizuje nivo sladkorja pri bolnikih z diabetesom.
Za preprecevanje osteoporoze je potrebna zadostna kolicina vit D.
Skratka če imate ščitnicn obolenje je bistvenega pomena ustrezna kolicina D vitamina.
Testiranje glede zadostne količine vit D se priporoča vsem ščitničnim bolnikom, ki ga ne zauzijejo dovolj hrano in ne prejmejo dovolj soncne svetlobe. |
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2010, 13:04 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 27 Okt 2010 10:10 Naslov sporočila: |
Imam pomankanje vitamina D pa me zanima, ker jemljem Euthyrox, kdaj naj vzamem kapljice D vitamina, zjutraj, zvečer....? |
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Daisy Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 25.01. 2007, 16:15 Prispevkov: 1286 Kraj: Ljubljana
Objavljeno: 27 Okt 2010 21:02 Naslov sporočila: |
Vsekakor je bolje jemat vse ostalo popoldne ali vsaj 4 ure po tem ko si vzela Euthyrox..
Sama že kako leto ali še več jemljem ribje olje. (predvsem zaradi Omeg-3, vsebuje pa tudi D vitamin). Popijem ga dve žlički po kosilu ali enkrat do večera..
Tule piše malo več o ribjem olju:
Najprej sem kupovala navadnega v lekarni, sedaj pa sem si- prav tako v lekarni- nabavila tegale, ki poleg "navadnega" ribjega olja vsebuje še olje polenovke, ki je bogatejše z vitamini A in D, pa še zakamufliran okus ima s pomarančo in limono, tako da se ga "ne čuti":
http://www.vitabiotics.com/aquamarine/liq_productinfo.aspx _________________ Naj nam bo dan pogum, da spremenimo, kar lahko spremenimo.
Naj nam bo dana moč, da sprejmemo, kar ne moremo spremeniti.
Naj nam bo dana intuicija, da ločimo med enim in drugim. |
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2010, 13:04 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 28 Okt 2010 08:26 Naslov sporočila: |
Daisy, hvala za odgovor in linka.
Tole z ribjim oljem je pametno, jaz bom pa verjetno samo Plivit kapljice, enkrat tedensko. Kaj je notri, sintetični D vitamin ali ribje olje ? |
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Daisy Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 25.01. 2007, 16:15 Prispevkov: 1286 Kraj: Ljubljana
Objavljeno: 28 Okt 2010 14:03 Naslov sporočila: |
Nimam pojma kaj je v kapljicah, predpostavljam (vem pa ne) da ni naravno, ker naravni D vitamin je pač v ribjem olju...
Ampak če že jemlješ kapljice - zakaj ne bi jemala kar ribjega olja?
Stane okoli 17 € in ga je za najmanj en mesec. In nima nič okusa po ribjem olju. _________________ Naj nam bo dan pogum, da spremenimo, kar lahko spremenimo.
Naj nam bo dana moč, da sprejmemo, kar ne moremo spremeniti.
Naj nam bo dana intuicija, da ločimo med enim in drugim. |
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2010, 13:04 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 28 Okt 2010 14:24 Naslov sporočila: |
Ne vem, verjetno ker sem vegi.
Včasih premišljujem, kako zdravo pravzaprav živim, res da so prednosti z vegi načinom, ampak marsikaj moram nadomeščati z dodatki, recimo konstantno mi primanjkuje železa, zdaj pa tudi D vitamina, verjetno tudi B 12, holesterol je na zgornji meji, za sladkor se delam "neumna" .....moj brat (starejši od mene) pa meso, jajca, mleko, vse slano in zdrav kot dren. |
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Daisy Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 25.01. 2007, 16:15 Prispevkov: 1286 Kraj: Ljubljana
Objavljeno: 28 Okt 2010 14:28 Naslov sporočila: |
Ne vem kaj naj komentiram na tole tvojo tazadnjo izjavo
Da se malo zamisli nad tem, če tvojemu telesu res odgovarja da si vegi??
Mislim, da četudi si vegi, te zaradi ribjega olja ne bi bilo konec?? _________________ Naj nam bo dan pogum, da spremenimo, kar lahko spremenimo.
Naj nam bo dana moč, da sprejmemo, kar ne moremo spremeniti.
Naj nam bo dana intuicija, da ločimo med enim in drugim. |
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2010, 13:04 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 29 Okt 2010 13:21 Naslov sporočila: |
Bom videla kako in kaj, zaenkrat sem na kapljicah, če se iskaže da ne učinkujejo bom verjetnp prešla na olje.
Moram pod nujno na pregled kostne gostote in tako naprej, skratka...veselo.  |
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2010, 13:04 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 12 Nov 2010 14:35 Naslov sporočila: |
Daisy, zanima me, ali lahko pride do predoziranja z D vitaminom pri jemanju ribjega olja (kapsule) ?
Še eno vprašanje za tiste, ki ste jemali Plivit D3, koliko časa (približno) ste jemali kapljice, da je prišlo do izboljšanja ? |
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Daisy Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 25.01. 2007, 16:15 Prispevkov: 1286 Kraj: Ljubljana
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Daisy Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 25.01. 2007, 16:15 Prispevkov: 1286 Kraj: Ljubljana
Objavljeno: 12 Nov 2010 18:11 Naslov sporočila: |
Pa še tole dodajam:Vsi mi, ki sodelujemo v teh pogovorih, nismo zdravniki.
Jaz v bistvu nimam pojma, če lahko pride do predoziranja D vitamina.
In kaj naredim? Vtipkam v google in poiščem par strani, ki govorijo o tem.
Pa sploh ni nujno, da so verodostojne ozirima da je res, kar tam piše
Jih pač pogledam nekaj več in poizkusim narediti iz tega neke zaključke, za katere spet ni rečeno, da so ravno pravilni.
Zato je na taka vprašanja težko odgovarjati.
Predlagam, da se navadite najprej sami poiskati v iskalniku določene odgovore in morda vam bo stvar hitro jasna. Če ne, pa se še vedno lahko pogovorimo tule o zadevi - ampak še vedno na nivoju bolnikov med seboj _________________ Naj nam bo dan pogum, da spremenimo, kar lahko spremenimo.
Naj nam bo dana moč, da sprejmemo, kar ne moremo spremeniti.
Naj nam bo dana intuicija, da ločimo med enim in drugim. |
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2010, 13:04 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2010 14:21 Naslov sporočila: |
Vprašanje, ali se lahko koristijo vitaminski dodatki, ki vsebujejo še kalcij, recimo kot Activ-H (Tricalcium phosphate), če jemlješ kapljice D vitamina? |
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Daisy Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 25.01. 2007, 16:15 Prispevkov: 1286 Kraj: Ljubljana
Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2010 15:27 Naslov sporočila: |
Ne razumem čisto tega vprašanja - kakorkoli sem iskala po internetu (zakaj enostavno ne vtipkaš "Tricalcium phosphate and D vitamin" v iskalnik in bereš kar ti ponudi? ) sem brala je kombinacija obojega sploh zaželjena?
V glavnem pa vidim, da je ta sestavina uporabljena v mnogih proizvodih (ne le prehrambenih) kot "anticaking agent" kar pomeni sredstvo, ki preprečuje zlepljenje, strjenje, sesirjenje (recimo v jogurtu)... za kar menim, da je uporabljen tudi tu in sicer v primerno majhni količini in najbrž njegova naloga sploh ni "dodati kalcij"..
Sama jemljem FHES (Active-H) že kar nekaj let, jemljem tudi ribje plje oz.Aquamarine... in okoli tega nisem imela nikolil proiblema... ali pomislekov... prej obratno. _________________ Naj nam bo dan pogum, da spremenimo, kar lahko spremenimo.
Naj nam bo dana moč, da sprejmemo, kar ne moremo spremeniti.
Naj nam bo dana intuicija, da ločimo med enim in drugim. |
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Pridružen/-a: 15.05. 2010, 13:04 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 17 Nov 2010 15:58 Naslov sporočila: |
Daisy, hvala za odgovor.
Sprašujem zato, ker sem brala o tem, da če jemlješ D vitamin (sintetični), ne smeš istočasno korisiti pripravke s kalcijem.
In lažje je, če kdo tukaj ve kaj o tem pa mi pove, kot študirati tisoč in eno informacijo na googlu, dokler na koncu ne ugotovim, da sem zaradi slabe angleščine (moje) vse skupaj narobe razumela.  |
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Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu