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Pridružen/-a: 24.06. 2006, 12:56 Prispevkov: 658 Kraj: Domžale
Objavljeno: 25 Maj 2007 13:40 Naslov sporočila: Spomin, srce etc (ang) |
Thyroid Research Roundup
Many studies are published each month that look at various aspects of thyroid disease. Here are highlights from a few new studies that may be of specific interest to thyroid patients.
Treating Borderline Hypothyroidism Can Reverse Heart Abnormalities
Italian researchers, reporting in the International Journal of Cardiology, looked at the impact of the thyroid drug levothyroxine (also known as l-thyroxine, better known by brand names such as Synthroid or Levoxyl) for heart issues in people with subclinical hypothyroidism, and autoimmune thyroiditis but normal TSH levels. The researchers defined “normal” TSH as being less than 3. The researchers found that both the patients with hypothyroidism (and TSH above 3), and those who had autoimmune thyroiditis (and TSH less than 3), had heart abnormalities. These abnormalities were reversible with levothyroxine treatment.
Mild Hypothyroidism Affects Memory
Researchers conducted a study to determine whether subclinical (borderline or mild) hypothyroidism can negatively affect health status, mood, and/or cognitive functions such as memory. The results of the double-blinded, randomized, cross-over study were reported in a study just released by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
To conduct the study, a group of hypothyroid subjects continued their usual dose of levothyroxine, and the other group received a lowered dose (“subclinical” status). The groups then “crossed over” and did the opposite. Health status, mood, and cognition were evaluated in both groups, during both phases. Fatigue and general health worsened slightly when patients were in subclinical status. Working memory was definitely worse during the subclinical status. The researchers concluded that subclinical hypothyroidism specifically impacts brain areas responsible for working memory.
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and Fibromyalgia
Researchers looked at thyroid abnormalities and autoimmunity in 120 patients affected by fibromyalgia. What they found in the study was that while thyroid hormone levels of the fibromyalgia patients tended to be in the normal range, 41% of the patients had at least one thyroid antibody. Patients with thyroid autoimmunity also had a higher rate of symptoms that include: dry eyes, burning, or pain with urination, body pain, blurred vision, and sore throat. The researchers concluded that autoimmune thyroiditis is seen at higher rates in people with fibromyalgia, and is also associated with the presence of additional symptoms. |
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Pridružen/-a: 06.05. 2007, 15:11 Prispevkov: 50
Objavljeno: 26 Maj 2007 14:40 Naslov sporočila: |
Joj Pikapolonica,
tako jezna sem sama nase ker ne znam angleško :evil: , pa bi tako rada vedela kaj piše  |
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Pridružen/-a: 24.06. 2006, 12:56 Prispevkov: 658 Kraj: Domžale
Objavljeno: 27 Maj 2007 14:31 Naslov sporočila: Prevod clankov |
Thyroid Research Roundup
Many studies are published each month that look at various aspects of thyroid disease. Here are highlights from a few new studies that may be of specific interest to thyroid patients.
(bom povzela bolj vsebinsko, ne dobesedno)
Vsak mesec so objavljene stevilne raziskave glede razlicnih vidikov scitnicnih bolezni, tukaj je nekaj novih raziskav, ki bi utegnile se posebej zanimati scitnicne bolnike.
Treating Borderline Hypothyroidism Can Reverse Heart Abnormalities
Italian researchers, reporting in the International Journal of Cardiology, looked at the impact of the thyroid drug levothyroxine (also known as l-thyroxine, better known by brand names such as Synthroid or Levoxyl) for heart issues in people with subclinical hypothyroidism, and autoimmune thyroiditis but normal TSH levels. The researchers defined “normal” TSH as being less than 3. The researchers found that both the patients with hypothyroidism (and TSH above 3), and those who had autoimmune thyroiditis (and TSH less than 3), had heart abnormalities. These abnormalities were reversible with levothyroxine treatment.
[color=red]Zdravljenje mejne hipotiroze lahko odpravi nepravilnosti pri delovanju srca
Italijanski raziskovalci so v mednarodni kardiološki reviji poročali o vplivu L-troksina na tezave povezane s srcem pri ljudeh s subklinicno hipotirozo in avtoimunim tiroiditisom, vendar normalnimi vrednostmi TSH.
Kot normalen TSH so definirali tsh pod 3. Raziskovalci so odkrili, da tako bolniki s hipotorozo (in TSH nad 3) in tisti z avtoimunim tiroiditisom (in TSH pod 3) imeli srčne nepravilnosti. Te nepravilnosti so bile z zdravljenjem z L-troksinom odpravljene.
Mild Hypothyroidism Affects Memory
Researchers conducted a study to determine whether subclinical (borderline or mild) hypothyroidism can negatively affect health status, mood, and/or cognitive functions such as memory. The results of the double-blinded, randomized, cross-over study were reported in a study just released by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
To conduct the study, a group of hypothyroid subjects continued their usual dose of levothyroxine, and the other group received a lowered dose (“subclinical” status). The groups then “crossed over” and did the opposite. Health status, mood, and cognition were evaluated in both groups, during both phases. Fatigue and general health worsened slightly when patients were in subclinical status. Working memory was definitely worse during the subclinical status. The researchers concluded that subclinical hypothyroidism specifically impacts brain areas responsible for working memory.
Blaga hipotiroza vpliva na spomin
Raziskovalci so proucevali vpliv blage ali mejne hipotiroze na kognitivne funkcije (razpolozenje), spomin in rezultete objavili v strokovni reviji za endokrinologijo in metabolizem.
Ena skupina hipotiroidnih bolnikov je prejemala obicajen odmerek L-troksina, drugi pa so odmerek zmanjsali na subklinicen nivo. Nato so skupini zamenjali. V obeh skupinah so ocenjevali zdravstveno stanje, razpolozenje, mentalne sposobnosti med o bema fazama poskusa. Utrujenost in sposlno zdravstveno stanje se je pri bolnikih v subklinicni fazi rahlo poslabsalo. Raziskovalci so povzeli, da subklinicna hipotiroza vpliva predvsem na dele mozganov, ki so vezani na pomnenje.
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and Fibromyalgia
Researchers looked at thyroid abnormalities and autoimmunity in 120 patients affected by fibromyalgia. What they found in the study was that while thyroid hormone levels of the fibromyalgia patients tended to be in the normal range, 41% of the patients had at least one thyroid antibody. Patients with thyroid autoimmunity also had a higher rate of symptoms that include: dry eyes, burning, or pain with urination, body pain, blurred vision, and sore throat. The researchers concluded that autoimmune thyroiditis is seen at higher rates in people with fibromyalgia, and is also associated with the presence of additional symptoms.[/color]
Avtoimuni tiroiditis in fibromialgija
Raziskovalci so proucevali nepravilnosti v delovanju scitnice in avtoimunost pri 120 pacientih, ki so imeli fibromialgijo. Odkrili so, da medtem kot so bile vrednosti tiroksina pri bolnikih s fibromialgijo v normalnem obmocju, je imelo 41% bolnikov povisano vsaj eno vrstto protiteles.
Bolniki s protitelesi so imeli izrazitejse simptome: suhe oci, pekoce in boleče uriniranje, bolecine po telesu, zamegljen vid, boleče grlo.
Raziskovalci so povzeli, da se avtoimuni tiroiditis pogosteje pojavlja pri ljudeh s fibromialgijo ter da je tudi povezan s prisotnostjo dodatnih simptomov. |
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Pridružen/-a: 06.05. 2007, 15:11 Prispevkov: 50
Objavljeno: 27 Maj 2007 20:36 Naslov sporočila: |
Draga Pikapolonica,
hvala, ker si prevedla. Za tuje jezike sem pravi butelj (pa še za kaj, priznam ).
Želim ti lep teden in še enkrat hvala :P . |
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Pridružen/-a: 01.05. 2007, 11:48 Prispevkov: 8
Objavljeno: 27 Maj 2007 21:06 Naslov sporočila: |
Čuj Lara-Ula ne se sekirat, ker sem tud jaz pravi butelj, kar se tiče jezikov in sem tud zelo hvaležna Pikapolonici za vsak prevod. Sploh fibromialgija me zanima, ker se kar precej najdem pod to temo. Vidim, da bo potrebno še kar nekaj "letanja" okrog zdravnikov. Lep pozdrav! Irena |
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Pridružen/-a: 23.08. 2006, 06:45 Prispevkov: 137 Kraj: primorska
Objavljeno: 28 Maj 2007 06:47 Naslov sporočila: |
Pikica, HVALAAAA  _________________ Življenje je tisto kar se nam dogaja, medtem ko mi delamo drugačne načrte...
Kar nam je namenjeno, nam ne uide. Kar nam ni namenjeno, ne bo nikoli naše. Se torej izplača razburjati, če stvari ne gredo tako, kot hočemo mi?? |
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